The 4 Apps Everyone Needs for Business Motivation

Sometimes it can be hard to both a business-minded person and motivated. While we’re stuck in the rat race, trying to make money and nurture our careers, we can lose ourselves to our to-do lists instead of our motivations. Many entrepreneurs report feeling burnt out frequently despite the malleable nature of working for one’s self.

Thankfully there are now ways to stay motivated through the use of smartphones and apps. These apps may not send you pictures of kittens when you’re sad (which would certainly motivate us to get through the day), they will realistically help your organize and motivate your life so you can focus more on yourself and less on stress.


This free-to-use app utilizes both planning techniques and personal psychology to help entrepreneurs and businesspeople alike to stay on top of their goals, eventually achieving them. GoalsOnTrack focuses on both personal and professional fulfillment, helping you stay grounded and reminding you that there is life outside of the 9 to 5.

GoalsOnTrack uses templates to help users create an action plan that helps them set a course for success. Through this plan, stages and steps are mapped out to catalog the journey to the goal.


LifeTick costs $2.50 a month for an individual phone, but it may be worth it. This app and website helps you to keep track of your goals in an indepth way, no matter where you may be – at your laptop or at home in bed, it doesn’t matter. The app utilizes S.M.A.R.T – specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time specific goal standards to help craft goals that are actually achievable in a manageable way. From here, users can check off achievements and add new ones while the app gives them a progress report of how they’re doing based on their action plan.


While the app may have an odd name, it’s one of the best out there when it comes to motivation. Users enter a specific action they want to track – it can be playing baseball or just smiling more often. Irunurun then asks you to weigh the action by a point value; 1 to 100. At the beginning of every week, your initial score will start at zero. When you complete the task, you give yourself the number of points allotted – though the action must be completed and on time.

When you succeed all week, you get a 100 – any less and you missed an action at some point during the week. This helps build accountability, builds motivation and can help promote better habits.


For $3.99, HabitList better be a great app – and boy, is it. This analytical app helps you keep track of your habits, good and bad. For good habits, you create streaks, showing off how good you are at completing tasks consistently and turning actions into actual rituals and habits.

The app also works on a schedule, so there’s no need to go to the gym every day. If you only want to go Monday, it keeps track of that and schedules these habits for you for better organization.

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