5 ways Virtual Reality is changing how we experience the world

Virtual Reality or VR is one of the most exciting things happening in the world today.

VR is a computer technology that uses interactive software and headsets to generate realistic, three-dimensional worlds complete with sounds and other sensations to accurately simulate what we will see in the real world. First used by gaming companies to give gamers a more cinematic video game environment, VR has gone beyond gaming and is now transforming our world in so many ways. Here are some of the ways VR is changing the way we experience the world today.

  1. Tourism

With VR, we can check out and experience our holiday destination before we pay for the trip. VR will allow us to view places around the world without leaving our homes. For example, we can virtually go to the Colosseum, explore the Great Wall of China, walk around the streets of New York, or visit The Louvre and immerse ourselves in fine art. Better than a travel brochure, VR will enable us to explore any country in amazing 3D.

  1. Shopping

VR will soon enhance our e-commerce experience. VR will let us see a product from all angles, watch a fashion show from across the world, enter virtual clothing stores and shop. The technology is advancing so quickly that there are already companies today that offer 3D body scanning so shoppers can fit clothing virtually.

  1. Entertainment

There is already a VR cinema in Amsterdam and this may soon be the rage all over the world and for good reason. Movies filmed in 360 degrees offer viewers the chance to step inside a movie and feel totally immersed. Imagine walking alongside our favorite movie characters and catching all the action right before our eyes. VR will soon bring new possibilities to the world of movies.

  1. Education

With VR technology, students can immerse themselves in VR worlds and learn in an experiential way. They can take a tour of Ancient Egypt, explore the human anatomy, watch complicated surgeries, attend a lecture in a VR classroom, and more. The possibilities are endless and the opportunities for learning are infinite.

  1. Healthcare

Doctors can practice on virtual humans to prepare them for operating on a real body. When used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools such as MRI scans, VR can also be used to diagnose a patient without the need for invasive surgery. In post-surgery, VR can help patients heal quickly by enabling them to relax in a beautiful garden or on a dreamy beach. They can also watch a concert and even play games with other patients.

Virtual Reality is likely to pervade our daily lives in the very near future. Once wearable VR devices become as commonplace as mobile phones, it will not be strange to see people using VR all the time. Thanks to this technology, the digital divide between the virtual and the real world is likely to change profoundly.

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