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4 Great Reads for People Interested in Motivation - Hypursuit

4 Great Reads for People Interested in Motivation

For some people, being motivated is as simple as initiating their can-do attitude and getting things done. For others, motivation is something of a non-existent facet in their life. They do things that simply have to be done, but going out of their way to do something new or worthwhile is harder than learning Mandarin Chinese.

Whether you’re simply looking to freshen up your current motivational skills or find true drive in your life, books may be the first place you should look. Many different motivational books have been published in the last year, so if you haven’t looked in a while these may be great additions to your self-help shelf. If you don’t have one, start your collection off with these four great reads!

“Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” – Angela Duckworth

We often think that we have to be the smartest and the best to succeed — after all, it’s those that excel at everything who get everything, right? It may seem that way, but Angela Duckworth reveals something quite shocking in this book that may mean we don’t have to try so hard to be the greatest. “Grit” examines business wisdom through a new lens that shows when teams are made of the best, they’re built to fail.

“On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life” – John O’Leary

Most nine-year-olds live average lives of going to school, playing with friends and spending time with parents and siblings. John O’Leary’s life was similar until a house fire almost killed him. In his book, O’Leary explores the incident, his family’s life changing journey and the seven step plan he’s since created that teaches others how to live a radically inspired life.

“Be Obsessed or Be Average” – Grant Cardone

If you like a good ol’ fashioned “rags to riches” story, look no further than “Be Obsessed or Be Average.” The author of the book, Grant Cardone, used to be a drug addict — broke, unemployed and next to homeless. He took the advice everyone likes to give; that it’s best to be reasonable and accept middle class life. Eventually he flipped the script, started to focus on living life based on his own desires and obsessions and is now a millionaire and best selling author. This book is perfect for the optimist that wants to find motivation through sheer will power and gumption. Put this book down if you’re a realist — it’s simply not for you.

“Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business” – Charles Duhigg

Finally, this book is perfect for anyone who wants a no frills, no nonsense look at productivity and motivation. While other writers may stick to go-get-’em cliches, Charles Duhigg avoids all of the fluff and gets right to the point of the matter. “Smarter Faster Better” covers eight key productivity concepts that all come from places of science, psychology and behavior — not new age positivity. If you’re someone who wants to look at motivation and productivity through a lens of facts and realism, this is definitely the book for you.

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