How to Take Action When You’re Afraid


Stepping out of the comfort zone is a terrifying thought to most people. Mainly, this is due to the fear of failure or the risk of criticism by family, friends, and co-workers. No one wants to be the subject of judgment and mockery or made fun of if their plan doesn’t work. And while we can choose to stay stuck where we are, fearful of moving forward, we can also choose to take action – right in the face of fear and rejection.

Taking Action Even When You’re Afraid

Entrepreneurs around the world can attest to the fact that taking action is necessary for success. To whatever extent you find you’re self unable to move forward, think about what’s driving your fear. Determining where the fear stems from can be a stepping stone to overcoming it.

For example, if you’re working in sales and cold calling scares you, ask your self why it scares you. The answer you get might be because you’re afraid to speak to prospects over the phone. It’s not surprising that most people are uncomfortable calling a stranger. Don’t let fear hold you back, step into it, and make the call anyway.

Taking action when you’re scared slaps fear right in the face. This technique of moving forward when afraid helps us grow. The more you choose to act in the face of fear, the less control it will have over you. Eventually, any obstacles along your entrepreneurial journey that challenge your comfort zone will be easier to overcome. Practice makes you better.

Step Outside the Zone

Once you discover moving beyond the fear by taking action is the key to success, the more likely you are to step outside your comfort zone. And, unless you choose to go beyond that level of comfort, you will never realize your true potential.

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