What to Do if Meditation Doesn’t Work for You

Meditation is lauded as something that can help anyone de-stress, clear their mind and become healthier. However, meditation isn’t as easy as sitting criss-cross and humming with your thumbs and index fingers pressed together like in the cartoons. The reality is that meditation can be extremely hard, especially if you’re someone with a lot going on in life.

The point of meditating is to be able to clear your mind in order to focus on yourself and mindfulness, but some people find it to be utterly impossible. The real question is this: is this the fault of meditation, or is it the fault of the individual.

In defense of the common person.

In some scenarios, meditation just simply doesn’t click with a person. Much like any hobbies, therapy methods or forms of exercise, not every style of doing things fits with every person. Some people find the idea of yoga to be very soothing and zen, while other people are put off by the idea.

If a person has tried yoga, done everything correctly and still doesn’t seem to feel like yoga is for them, it’s not necessarily their fault that it isn’t work — it simply isn’t a good match.

In defense of yoga.

There are many different reasons a person may prematurely give up on yoga:

  • It takes time away from their schedule.
  • Trying to clear their mind frustrates them.
  • They find it dull.
  • They don’t like to exercise.
  • It’s not an exercise they find appealing.
  • Flexibility training isn’t something they’re good at.

These are only a small selection of bullets that relate to how someone may throw in the towel when it comes to yoga. That’s not the fault of yoga. Yoga is a brilliant stress relieving tool for millions of people around the world.

People may also give up on yoga because it’s not the stereotypical cartoonish action they thought it would be like in the opening example. It does take focus and hardwork to master. Yoga certainly isn’t for the faint of heart, and it requires a schedule and commitment in order to fully reap the benefits.

What to do from here.

If you have tried yoga and, for whatever reason, it simply isn’t for you, don’t give up on being less stressed and healthier. There are alternatives to yoga that you can bring into your life in order to reap the same rewards.

Mindfulness in general can be achieved without the physical aspect of yoga, though it is just as challenging. Calisthenics and light stretching can help with the physical aspects of yoga if Downward Facing Dog isn’t your style.

Everyone has something different that soothes them, from hot baths to listening to classical music; from cooking a nice meal to reading a really bad book. The key to being stress free is finding a de-stressing method that works for you as an individual.

If yoga doesn’t work for you, so what? On a positive note, not doing yoga means saving a lot of money not buying yoga pants.

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